
"She looked at herself in the mirror... then, seeing her disheveled hair, combed her hair. No sooner had she begun this gesture than her two legs joined and were transformed into a long and shiny fishtail, all covered with scales silver." This is how the fisherman's wife turned into a mermaid....
Artist Fafi invites you to experience this transformation with this object, inspired by the legend 'The Little Mermaid with a comb and a golden mirror' published in 1944 by Basque writer Marc Légasse for his grand daughter. In explaining the history and fortune of his family of shipowners, the legend pays tribute to the family coat of arms, adorned with a mermaid like that of a village in Navarra, Legaza. Because we are multiple, and a little magic resides in each of us, a few gestures and a little confidence are enough to reveal us! A message that Fafi, with her Fafinettes, has always conveyed to women around the world.

Sculpture for living
Oak plywood, birch, mirror polished stainless steel, Scalite, lacquer
L 14.6 x D. 7.1 x H 14.2 inches

Limited edition of 8 +1 prototype


Florent Canini, Daniel Lizarralde, Jean-Paul Mendiburu

photos :  Todd Saunders / EDC

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Legaza (collection Ondulations)

collection Ondulations